
Welcome to the official blog of Soualiga Youth.

Foundation Soualiga Youth is based on the island of Sint Maarten. Sint Maarten is a former Dutch colony; divided into the French and Dutch sides.

The foundation is an NGO which offers social work services: gang intervention, peer to peer coaching, teaching manuals for educators, parents and community projects and NGO’s on the youth culture in contemporary society.

Foundation Soualiga Youth is a partner organization of Lalibela Commonunity in Rotterdam Netherlands.

The foundation served the community in Groningen Netherlands from 1998-2005, in the areas of Social Work, Social Cultural Work and Social Pedagogy. Within the network of experts available to me as President of the foundation I collaborate with several professionals, trained in the fields of Social Work, Mass Communications, Journalism and General Contracting.

The services that are offered by my foundation are immediately felt within society, since we are a service oriented industry that impacts the quality of life within society directly.

This Blog serves a variety of needs of our market. It is educational, informative and entertaining. Hence the post’s on Shamanism and historical material et al.

The fact that gang-culture now is the premiere global youth, entertainment and pop-culture, is one of the reasons that this Blog will continue to feature information geared towards combatting, the present gang-friendly culture.

Information pertinent to culture and faith features heavily on this Blog, since the youth in the Caribbean region, and those in North America and Europe from the region are increasingly cleaving to various forms of quasi-Islamic discourse and increasingly the brand of Islam as interpreted by Islamic State and other such movements.

Rastafari and its Shamanist value system will continue to be featured here. The point being to show that it is, diametrically opposed to monotheism i.e. Islam, Judaism and monotheist Christian doctrine. The aim being to show that Rastafari, is a Shamanic value system and is in no way a monotheist value system.

This Blog is also a resource for historical, cultural and archeological references the Caribbean ,  Africa and North America. Bless.